Category: Mark Bray
Zentropia Plays Plug Global Headphone Festival 2007
Do you remember when Zentropia played the Plug Global Headphone Festival in 2007? That was a fun time. I found a card from the event today that reminded me of it. It was the Plug 3rd Annual Global Headphone Festival. People hosted shows all around the world. The live audience at each event listened with…
Last Day of Summer!
It’s the last day of Summer! Despite pandemics and political issues all around the world it has been a good summer. I was able to hang with my friend Shady, the cat, due to working from home. My original plan for the summer was to go to Kings Island every day and ride the new…
New Epic Trip From Zentropia
It’s 2020 and I decided to get out the old MPC2000XL and kick out some heavy stepping dub. I got a little carried away and the song turned out to be over 23 minutes long. Of course it took me all summer to get around to putting it out, but here it is.Introducing: Marching Through…
Old 10 Speed to Single Speed Budget Conversion
I’ve been biking for most of the summer for the first time in years. (Check me out with my bike in my last post.) I got a couple old bikes last year when my Mom was moving. One was a big Mens Huffy Super Star 10 Speed Road Bike, the other a Rose Gold (Pink)…
It Is Officially Hoodie Weather!
I started to go outside today and it seemed a bit chilly, or airy as some might say. I had to grab my hoodie! I’ve worn it around the house for a couple hours a few times in the last week but this is the first morning I definitely had to wear it. It is…
Cerebral Excavation by Mark Bray
Shady Cat in Glowing Orange
Not much to say today except check out how pretty Shady Cat is in Glowing Orange. I spend a lot of time with her and have lots of pics. This one had nice contrast. Enjoy your day! Mark BrayCosmic Archeologist
Layer One – Abstract Calligraphy
I’ve started to work in a new pad of watercolor paper and had the idea to start with the black lines first this time. Here are the first two. One was made with Pentel Pocket Brush, the other was with a Faber-Castell Pitt Artist Pen on Canson Watercolor paper, 7″ x 10″.The next layer will…
New Deep Purple with a 20 year old lineup
I love Deep Purple and have been listening to them pretty much my whole life. By the time I was 5 years old I was collecting my first Deep Purple 45 rpm record, Smoke On The Water. Now that we are in the future in 2020 they are back with a new record, Whoosh! I…
Revisiting Circle Jerks and Black Flag
I got a little obsessed checking out bio videos of Circle Jerks and Black Flag this weekend. I never really got to hear Black Flag while growing up in Indiana. I didn’t know anyone into that kind of thing. My friends were usually more metal back then. The art of Black Flag was always very…
New Watercolor Paintings for 2020
It’s 2020 and I’ve finally started painting again. Well, actually, I started a couple months ago and I got through a whole pack of paper. I’ve been working on little 6×6 watercolors and ink on this really nice paper called Fluid Watercolor Paper. It is cold press and comes in a block that holds the…
Good morning!
🚨👁🚨 💎Crystaleyezed💎 ⚒Cosmic Archeology🛠
“All in the Flow” Exhibits at Quarry Cove Art Gallery
“All in the Flow” Exhibits at Quarry Cove Art Gallery, Rockaway Beach Ave Reception, Saturday, May 6, 2-4 pm Multimedia artist and painter Mark Bray and ceramic artist Vincent Ayala each have followed the flow of their artistry and process to create this stunning exhibit of 41 art pieces which the Pacifica Art Connection proudly…
T Rex On Display At Lost And Found
Mark Bray has a new painting called “T Rex”, for obvious reasons, on display at the new show opening this Friday called “Lost and Found”. The Sanchez Art Center is hosting this themed show by the Art Guild of Pacifica. Join us Friday, March 3 from 7-9 for the opening reception. There will be music…
Artist Reception for Mark Bray and Luis Marroquin
Mark your calendars for our ARTIST reception on March 30th at Aili Ice Designs showcasing work by Luis Marroquin of INNA TRIBE, Mark Bray of Crystaleyezed Fine Arts and the beautiful Cola Claret will be doing an aerial performance throughout the evening! See you there! ARTIST RECEPTION FOR MARK BRAY AND LUIS MARROQUIN Thursday, MARCH 30th at Aili Ice Gallery 6:00pm – 9:00pm 2363…
Shady Cat In A Fierce Pose
Here is Shady Cat once again in a fierce pose. I’m working on my Marker drawings in between big painting series. I currently have a big show up at Aili Ice Designs in Redwood City, CA. My next big show will be in a couple months at the Quarry Cove Art Gallery in Pacifica. I’ll…
Artifact No. 152537389493988 Crystaleyezed Fine Arts – Cosmic Archeology Collection – by Mark Bray
Artifact No. 8482884828861616738 Crystaleyezed Fine Arts – Cosmic Archeology Collection – by Mark Bray
Artifact No. 7482737478188 Crystaleyezed Fine Arts – Cosmic Archeology Collection – by Mark Bray
Bright Red Hot Rod Marker Drawing
Here’s a bright red hot rod marker drawing I did this morning. There is a really cool car cruising around Pacifica lately that inspires this drawing. I guess I’m in a roll the last couple days drawing cars. What are your favorite cars? Mark Bray