Zentropia Flyer from 1995

Drummer Wanted Flyer From 1995 For Zentropia #TBT

This is the “Drummer Wanted” flyer Zentropia used in 1995 after our move to the East Coast. Zentropia was in the process of relocating to Florida when our friends called and said we should check out Boston. So we packed up our little Toyota Corolla with 2 suitcases, 2 Peavey combo amps and 2 guitars and left for Massachusetts.

Drummer Wanted flyer from Zentropia from 1995
Moving to Boston

Boston was amazing! There was so much to see and do I knew we had to stay. I had not been to a place with so many clubs and music stores. Daddy’s Junky Music, E. U. Wurlitzer and the Guitar Center became our favorite hang outs. We thought it was so cool how they had people playing in the streets in Cambridge. We ended up staying with our friends, who had a studio, and recorded a 2 song cassette single at the Billerica Rehearsal Studios. Next up was to get a drummer and start playing out.

kaleidoscope photo from Zentropia flyer in 1995
Flyer Design

The drummer wanted flyer design from 1995 isn’t too far off from what I do now since as you can see it has a kaleidoscope, warped photo. You will find plenty of kaleidoscoped drawings and paintings in my posts. There is some sort of rune behind the logo but I need to look it up to remember what that one meant. Or maybe I made it up? Now I create my own cryptic runes / sigils I call Cosmic Archeology using brush pens and calligraphy pens.

Zentropia Logo 1995
Social Media In 1995
Drummer blog header

Notice how “Social Media” worked back in the day? We hung up flyers at music stores and people tore off tabs with our phone number and called us! Remember when phones we located in a house and connected with a cord and you might have an answering machine? It was that sort of thing. The Drummer Wanted flyer actually worked and we got calls from a few drummers.

Musical Influences

You would think it would have scared off everyone with that list of influences. Luckily the Boston area is a great place for music. Between all the clubs, college radio stations and the Berkeley School of music, there was so much music it was unbelievable. After reading this list it appears Dub has really been a big influence since then. We started going to Newbury Comics in Boston and got turned on to all kinds of cool new music.

musical influences for Zentropia on a 1995 flyer
Our favorite bands in 1995: King Crimson, Rush, Primus, Pink Floyd, Rage Against the Machine, Rollins Band, Tool, Black Sabbath, Jimi Hendrix, Tangerine Dream, Lords of Acid, also lots of Fusion, Avante Garde and Be-Bop Jazz, Classical, Ambient and Improvisational Space Noise
We Found The One

I think we jammed with 2 or 3 drummers that didn’t work out. Then we got our drummer that was awesome and that we loved for many years. There are too many stories to tell of the Zentropia East Coast Years. We will be exploring many more tales from those years in future posts.

North Drums

One very odd thing to mention in our history of drummers. We had 2 different drummers with North Drums. It is a very odd coincidence that we will definitely explore later in a special drummer blog post.

It’s fun to look back at these old times. Just one scrap of paper can bring back so many memories. I’ll be contacting more people that have worked with Crystaleyezed Fine Arts to get interviews and find out what they are up to today. Many of my friends are still performing and have even went live on the internet.

Have a great Throwback Thursday and maybe reach out to someone you haven’t talked to in a while.

Mark Bray
Zentropia, Crystaleyezed Fine Arts, Cosmic Archeologist



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