Crystaleyezed Snow Person

Skateboarding In The Snow and Building a Snow Person

I went skateboarding in the snow this weekend. Well, not in the actual snow, but there was snow all around. There weren’t very may lots clear but it was a warm day and I had to get out and enjoy.

Here is a little video of my outing skateboarding in the snow. I love my little Banana board I got years ago at the Surf N Shack in Capitola, CA. You can see the board in this post. I made the music in the video too.

Today the snow was just right for building a snow person. It’s a little more tiring than I remembered when I was a kid.

Mark Bray with a snow person February 2021

Looks pretty good with that Crystaleyezed hat.

Snow Person

Buddha is a little cold. Still getting used to living in Ohio after all those years in California.

Buddha in the Snow

We have really nice trees. This one puts off amazing shadows.

Big Tree Shadow

Have a great week!
Mark Bray
Skateboarder, Snow Person Builder, Cosmic Archeologist




